
Thursday 22 May 2014

Wednesday Rubbish

Wednesday Rubbish
Screenshot from 2014-05-22 09:48:57.png
Our wednesday rubbish bar graph shows us how much rubbish we brought to school on day 5. The total amount of rubbish that we had on day 5 was 49 pieces of rubbish. Fruit was the most because our class has been bringing lots of fruit and it is good for us and our environment.

Recycling is reusing rubbish thats made out of plastic paper and cardboard boxes. the reason why we are reusing rubbishs is because that we like to make things like books and more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It good to see that the highest amount of rubbish your class is producing is food waste instead of plastic wrappers. Do you think that maybe a compost bin might be a good way to reduce food waste?

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